I’m Thendral and thendraluthaman.com was born during a pretty epic quarter-life crisis; I was trying to figure out my purpose, what I want to make of my life, why I’m even on this earth, etc, etc, etc – you know, just your standard-issue, late-night ponderings of an insomniac. It took me a minute to realise I’ve loved writing since I was ten and writing a book has been a dream since I was fourteen - only to drop both as I got older to be “realistic”. And so, thendraluthaman.com came about in 2017 to reconnect with my love of writing, and maybe, just maybe, to be the baby steps towards fulfilling the dream of that fourteen-year-old. My vision and hope for this website are the same - for it to be a safe space for people to see that despite our overt differences, we are all essentially the same.
As for a little more about me, I'm a creature of comfort. Give me good food, good coffee, a good book or movie, and I'm happy. When I'm not hammering away at my keyboard, I'm probably reading a Sophie Kinsella for the 39th time, bingeing a TV series where I already know the characters’ lines or sniffing around museums. All while praying that it would rain. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you enjoy your time here!