Musings, Simply me Thendral Uthaman Musings, Simply me Thendral Uthaman

Seven Years of

I have not made any blog posts about my blog turning a specific age since it was 4! Where has the time gone! And WHY have I not written anything to commemorate these years?? Anyway, I remember being in awe that my blog was 4 when I wrote that but this year, I’m blown away. So, cue seven by Taylor Swift, and let’s have a chat about what a year of firsts this has been!

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman

Turning 32: The Good, The Bad, The Okay

I am turning 32 soon and so I was thinking about my past year which made me put together one of the standard posts on this site – my thoughts around my upcoming age! Can you believe this is the seventh of such post I’m making on this blog!

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman

unconventional women

One of the things that plagues my insomniac nights is my personality. Some of the adjectives that have been used to describe me, things I had repressed to the depths of my memories buzz at my ears, an invisible fly I can’t quite swat away.

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman

What happened to men?

A common thread I’ve noticed over the past decade on dating apps, matrimony sites, and the likes is that bar a handful, every single guy I talked to lacked long-term goals.

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman

My fear of take-offs and landings

I’m okay with flying, in fact, even slight turbulences from clouds and rain doesn’t really bother me. What I really don’t like is take-off and landing. I’ll tell you why.

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman

Karma is not a bitch

Karma is really White people’s culture right now, isn’t it? And if you ask me there’s no bigger measure (or indication, if you will) of this then the way there is now “Instant Karma” – as if Karma is McDonald’s and you have a drive through version to load up on.

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Musings Thendral Uthaman Musings Thendral Uthaman


Very recently, I had a bit of a meltdown. I felt stuck in life, I felt like I wasn’t where I wanted to be, and I felt like everything I was doing was just… wrong.

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Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman

Hello 2023!

Anddd another pandemic year has flown by just like that! I don't know if it's all the vaccines, the virus starting to admit defeat, human resilience and adaptability, or perhaps human indifference at this point

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