Musings, Simply me Thendral Uthaman Musings, Simply me Thendral Uthaman

Seven Years of

I have not made any blog posts about my blog turning a specific age since it was 4! Where has the time gone! And WHY have I not written anything to commemorate these years?? Anyway, I remember being in awe that my blog was 4 when I wrote that but this year, I’m blown away. So, cue seven by Taylor Swift, and let’s have a chat about what a year of firsts this has been!

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Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman

Hello 2023!

Anddd another pandemic year has flown by just like that! I don't know if it's all the vaccines, the virus starting to admit defeat, human resilience and adaptability, or perhaps human indifference at this point

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Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman Simply me, Musings Thendral Uthaman

Thank You 2022!

Anddd another pandemic year has flown by just like that! I don't know if it's all the vaccines, the virus starting to admit defeat, human resilience and adaptability, or perhaps human indifference at this point

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Simply me Thendral Uthaman Simply me Thendral Uthaman

I’m 31 and a Birthday Q+A

31 folks! I am THIRTY. ONE. It feels sooo foreign to say. Much like my earlier posts, I don’t know if this dissonance comes from how I simply don’t look like I’m in my thirties.

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